Wednesday, January 19, 2011

On Your Mark, Get Set, Accelerate!

This is my first blog post. I'm trying to decide whether or not I enjoy posting stuff about myself online for all eyes to see. Kind of narcissistic, but good to get it all off my chest I guess. I don't have much of interest to talk about, but at least I'm keeping myself busy during my "mommy time".

I'm excited--Alex has developed a routine all on his own. He is up at 7, takes three naps during the day at regular times, and we put him to bed around 7:30/8:00 right after a bath. Though some days he's ready for bed at 5:00. Mommy's not such a big fan because that means he's up and ready at 5:00am.

We're still working on some things, like getting him to sleep longer stretches at night. He still likes to get up and eat every two or three hours, something I've grown really used to. The first two weeks I was wired: excited to have my brand-new baby home with us, excited to meet his needs every two hours on the dot. The next few weeks his colic was hellish, I started to need the mid-morning naps I took alongside him, and he was still up every two hours on the dot, only now he screamed before, during, and after each time he ate. After about 8 weeks I was officially exhausted...both from the long nighttime feedings and the screaming. Around 12 weeks we could see some light at the end of the tunnel, I had stopped eating any dairy and he was actually proving to be somewhat sociable and, dare I say, happy! Now at 4 1/2 months he laughs, smiles, coos, and talks to us on a regular basis. We love it!

I started a crochet project that I intended to be my little sister's Christmas present. But with the little guy, things didn't get done as fast as I would have liked them to. Instead, its almost the end of January and I'm just now about 2/3 of the way done. But it is looking pretty awesome if I do say so myself! It'll be a 7'x7' Super Raccoon Mario rug. :) By the time I'm done with this, I'll be burnt out on granny squares and Alex will be working on more leaving my projects around the living room!

I'm still in the process of looking for a job. I love being home with Alex, but I'm itching to get some teaching experience. Unfortunately, the world is all about having the right connections, not just the right skills. Though they certainly get the job done once you secure it. :P Some day! Until then, I'm trying to be the best mommy I can while I'm home with him!! Being unemployed has allowed me to see a lot of his firsts, which is a huge blessing.

Well, rather than use all my "mommy time" up blogging, that'll be it for now. Until next time, life is speeding up every moment of the day and flying right by. I hope to learn to enjoy it more while I am living it out! :)

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